DIGITAL MERIDIAN SYSTEM (DMS), is a revolutionary state-of-the-art health monitoring system. The system uses "Traditional Chinese Medicine's Twelve (12) Meridian Acupressure Point Theory" combined with Modern Western Technology. It takes a person's specific organ and system data through non-invasive electrical conductivity tests via the use of a special meridian sensor. This sensor is then connected to a computer which gathers data released by meridian points from the hands and feet.



What Does It Do?

  • PROVIDES Baseline data on an individual's Qi/Energy imbalance
  • HELPS identify root causes of diseases and early detection of potential illnesses
  • SUGGESTS the most suitable recommendations for remedies based on that customer's current readings and clinically-proven solutions to restore QI/Energy imbalances such as natural health food supplements, proper diet, exercise, massage treatments plus lifestyle change
  • MONITORS individual's progress and effectivity of products / programs taken
  • PROMOTES the habit of PREVENTIVE HEALTH CARE management
  • PROVIDES the user with an easy to read and simple to explain customized charts that pinpoints areas of concern:

    • General Analysis                                               
    • Health Care Report
    • System Function Report
    • Meridian Analysis
    • Qi & Blood Analysis
    • Yin Yang Analysis
    • Product Suggestion
    • Trend Analysis
    • ProCare Suggestions, namely: Foot Reflexology Diagram, Body Massage Points, Acupuncture, and Aromatherapy.
”Digital Meridian System”
Madinatul Asrar ”Digital Meridian System” ialah satu sistem penilaian sub-sihat berdasarkan teori 12 titik Meridian pada tangan dan kaki anda untuk menilai tahap kesihatan diri . Satu alat Pengesan Elektronik
Meridian yang disambungkan kepada sebuah komputer peribadi digunakan untuk mengesan nilai gelombang mikrobial daripada titik akupunktur kedua belah tangan dan kaki untuk dianalisis . Analisis ini akan menghasilkan laporan merangkumi Indeks Tenaga Meridian , Indeks Metabolisme , Indeks Tahap Mental, & lain –lain melalui internet .Laporan ini mempunyai ketepatan analisis sehingga 90% dan ia boleh menolong mengesan simpton – simpton peringkat awal penyakit dan memberi kesedaran kepada setiap individu dalam pengurusan pencegahan kesihatan.